DDLMC Committee Elections 2025 

Your chance to represent General Practice across 

the City and County 

The current DDLMC committee completes its term of office in March 2025. 

Elections are held every four years and all GPs on the performer’s list (partner, salaried or locum) working in a levy paying organisation within Derby & Derbyshire ICS are eligible for nomination and election. 

If you would like to represent your colleagues and promote the interests of general practice, then put yourself forward for election and join the committee. Please read the information below and submit a completed nomination form by Monday 3rd February to express an interest.

What is a Local Medical Committee? 

Local Medical Committees (LMCs) are defined by statute in the NHS Act and as such have powers, responsibilities, and duties; to represent and support general practice.

NHSE and local commissioners (ICBs) must consult with the LMC on several matters in order to comply with their legal obligations. 

LMCs have statutory responsibilities in addition to being recognised as an expert body with a considerable and unique corporate memory of the NHS. 

About Derby & Derbyshire LMC? 

Derby and Derbyshire LMC is the only committee with a statutory obligation to represent the interests of Derby and Derbyshire General Practitioners working in the National Health Service, irrespective of the type of medical services contract held or mode of employment. 

DDLMC’s independence from other organisations means it is free to act as an honest advocate for general practice without conflicts of interest or political pressure. 

The elected members who make up the are the heart of the organisation. Working with the oversight of the committee, the LMC liaises, engages and negotiates with NHSE, DDICB, the Local Authorities and Public Health, JUCD, the provider trusts, and GP practices and their PCNs. 

The LMC represents GPs in negotiations locally and is the link between local GPs and their national negotiating body, the General Practitioners Committee (GPC). The GPC is a branch of practice committee of the BMA and is recognised as the negotiating body for all GPs . GPC policy is determined at the annual LMC UK conference where representatives from all LMCs across the country debate motions which reflect GP concerns and if passed they become GPC policy. As health is a devolved issue each of the 4 nations is responsible for contracting individually and so GPC also has 4 sub-committees with GPC-England (GPC-E) leading on GP contract negotiations in England. There is a separate England LMCs conference which focuses specifically on the contract but runs in a similar fashion to the UK one 

With 100 years of corporate intelligence and memory Derby and Derbyshire LMC has significant influence in the provision of primary care and offers a unique position of influence within the local NHS.

DDLMC’s work can be divided into three broad categories: 

Represent – We represent the views of GPs to a variety of bodies as above and also work with local politicians and MPs. We also undertake negotiations on behalf of our constituent GPs, individually and collectively and provide public representation and a local and national media presence in support of practices. 

Advise – We strive to keep GPs informed of local and national developments, circulating guidance on local issues and initiatives, and supplementing what is available nationally, where appropriate. We also provide advice on a wide range of subjects to both practices and individual GPs. 

Support – DDLMC provides a vital pastoral role for GPs and Practice Managers supporting and signposting individuals and facilitating internal & external relationship issues as well as working with key partners to support practices. 

The Office Team: 

The office team are employees of DDLMC Ltd (a limited company owned by the committee). Part of the committee’s role is to direct the office team to deliver the services that the committee identify will be of benefit to practices.

The Medical Director and Practice Liaison Officers attend relevant meetings to ensure General Practice is represented, that unfunded workload is not transferred to General Practice, that the GP contract is understood, and thus new services are commissioned and funded correctly. 

How is the committee formed? 

Elections currently take place every 4 years in line with the LMC’s constitution. There are committee seats for two representatives from each of the 17 PCN areas (Glossop PCN GPs are currently aligned to West Pennine LMC). Committee members may also co-opt other GPs offering expertise not represented elsewhere on the committee, such as representatives for out of hours GPs. The committee can also appoint 3 Practice Manager attendees for the 4 year term of office. 

What does a committee member do? 

Your role as a LMC committee member includes: 

  • Acting as a local representative of the LMC in your PCN area. 

  • Canvassing the views of GPs across your PCN and reflecting them in discussion at LMC committee meetings. 

  • Helping to shape national policy by proposing motions for debate at national conferences and attending and voting on proposals to shape BMA and GPCE policy. 

The committee meets to discuss the outcomes of other meetings attended by members that month, decide on policy, debate hot topics, and to agree an LMC stance on pertinent issues. It also offers an opportunity for members to highlight any areas of concern they may have, and to establish how widespread a problem may be and, therefore, if the LMC should take further action. Speakers are also invited to attend these meetings to present ideas to the committee, which allows for the opinions of ‘grassroots’ GPs to be included in any proposals. 

When does the committee meet? 

The committee meets monthly on the 1st Thursday afternoon of each month. Meetings alternate between a short online meeting 1-2pm on the even months of the year and a longer face to face meeting 2-4pm on the odd months. Face to face meetings are held at Santos Higham Farm Hotel near Alfreton.

Is the role remunerated? 

Yes, the LMC pays GPs who undertake work on its behalf and does so at an hourly rate. Committee members also receive a fixed fee for attendance at the monthly committee meetings along with travel expenses and paid travel time. 

How do I apply? 

Please download and complete this nomination form. If you are standing in the election, you must get two GPs from your PCN area to endorse your nomination. 

Existing Committee members who wish to hold office for a further four years will also need to complete and return a nomination form. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a member of the team or a current committee member, please do not hesitate to contact us at ddlmc.office@nhs.net