Updated BMA Safe Working Guidance Sept 24
This guide is designed to help GP practices make decisions that will allow them to prioritise their limited capacity to deliver safe, high-quality care. GPC England recommends you can do this by reviewing your currently offered services. Decisions will need to be individualised to the needs of your patients and practice. This approach recognises practices are operating within limited resources, but also the need to stay within the requirements of the GMS/PMS contract.
By introducing the BMA’s Safeworking Guidance: a handbook for General Practice, in the majority of practices the number of offered appointments each day will fall. This means some patients with non-urgent problems may have to wait longer, but the priority is to ensure those patients that are seen receive safe care within your limited capacity to provide this. There will be times when patients will need to be directed to more appropriate alternative services than are available at the practice. Overall, the steps we outline will allow your practice to devote its resources to those patients it is best placed to help.
You can also view our resources to download and share here.
- 9th September 2024